Friday, December 10, 2010

Rec Leauge Hockey

This past Sunday, I had a chance to shoot my brother's hockey game.  He plays for Dupont Blue with Performax Hockey in Amherst, NY.  They lost to the Fighting Hell Fish 5 to 3 in a close game.

This was my first real attempt at sports photography.  The arena posed some challenges in getting good exposure.  Because of the lighting, I was forced to use a high iso and limited to a shutter speed of 1/250 sec at the fastest.  This resulted pictures that were not as sharp as I would have liked and that had a high amount of noise.  In hind sight, I could have opened up the aperture a little more and got a faster shutter speed.  I was able to still get some good shots.  From the approximately 200 shots I took, 25 made it out of lightroom as keepers.  Here are some of the good shots:

The rest of the shots can be viewed here:


  1. Good action shots.
    I have added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit my blog and become a follower also.

  2. These are great shots Rik! Looks like a fun night for shooting. I can link to your blog now that you have photos. Merry Christmas!
